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- Tuesday, 2 August : the Galaxy Note 7 is presented in New York
Featuring a 5.7-inch screen, the new Samsung is clearly in the registry of ” phablets running “, these smartphones XXL. It is also a high-end device, marketed to 859 euros, with features such as the scanner of iris, who has come to compete with the Apple products – including the iPhone 7, the output of which is scheduled a few weeks later. For the manufacturer south Korean, it comes to solving an equation strategic : get out of the vise, where it lies between a competition very aggressive chinese manufacturers, on the low-end and mid-range, and its rivalry with Apple, which has made the top of the range its domain. The marketing of the Galaxy Note 7 has to start from August 19.
Read also : Samsung introduces its Galaxy Note 7, which is supposed to keep the Apple remote
By the end of this summer, all the lights are green for Samsung. Carried by the exit six months earlier, the Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge, the manufacturer has seen its global market share grow beyond 22 % in the segment of smartphones, according to two studies consistent (IDC and Strategy Analytics). The financial results are in keeping with net profit up 1.7 % in the second quarter. And the pre-orders of the new Note 7 soar beyond all expectations – to the point that the brand is forced to delay the release of the phone in some countries, due to lack of sufficient stocks.
also Read: “Samsung is a victim of its success
- Friday, September 2 : Samsung reminds us of its Galaxy Note 7
A month to the day after the presentation of his model, Samsung published a press release to announce the recall of the product. “We have received several reports of an explosion of the battery of the Note 7. We have confirmation that there is a problem “, said head of the mobile business of Samsung, Koh Dong-jin at a press conference in Seoul, the headquarters of the parent company. on this date, 35 cases of incidents involving the battery of the phone, which, in some cases, took fire, have been reported. The magnitude of the rescue operation is a new one for Samsung, which has already sold 2.5 million devices on the market. The first estimates of the cost of the intervention are around one billion dollars.
- Thursday, September 8 : the us authorities get involved
on September 8, The american federal
But, the next day, it is the turn of the american Commission for the protection of consumers (CPSC) to call the owners a Note 7 to Samsung to turn it off and stop using it until its replacement. On Sunday, Samsung should resolve to make the same recommendation with consumers in south korea. The next day, the share of Samsung fall of 7 % on the stock Exchange of Seoul…
- Saturday, 1st October : the new Note 7 is marketed in South Korea
One month after the beginning of the scandal, the south Korean manufacturer resumes sales in its home market, where, he says, 80 % customers have exchanged their phone. Problem : some users have proceeded to the exchange complain of overheating of the device during calls, or a loss of fast-charge batteries. Recognizing the existence of new complaints, a spokesperson for Samsung minimizes the following : it would only be ” few isolated cases “ of phones defective, quite usual at the launch of new products.
- Wednesday, October 5 : plane evacuated because of a Note 7… replaced
as he prepares to take off from Louisville, Kentucky to Baltimore, a flight the company Southwest Airlines must be evacuated while the phone of one of the passengers starts to emit smoke. It is a Samsung Galaxy Note 7, that its owner had yet to replace. Samsung reacted by saying : ” as long as we do not have the device in our hands, we cannot confirm that it is indeed a new Note 7, “, and this, even though the pictures released after the incident seem to be quite explicit. The CPSC decides to open an investigation. The case will not be isolated : there is nothing that the United States, four other incidents were reported. In two of them the owners claim to have been woken up in the middle of the night by the large clearance of the smoke of their phone after it had caught fire…
- Monday, October 10 : the end of the production of the Note 7 ?
While the south Korean agency Yonhap has just announced the decision of Samsung to suspend the production of the Galaxy Note 7, the manufacturer replies that it is in the process of “an adjustment of the volumes of production “to’ improve quality control and enable in-depth investigations in the wake of recent explosions from Galaxy Note 7 “.
However, the repetition of the incidents – not to mention the callback operation of the terminal, which has been delayed and is still not close – seems to have completed of tired players in the market. After AT&T and T-Mobile US, it is Verizon who refuses to replace the Note 7. That is, the three largest operators in the united states.
The analysts will give heart to joy. the ” For me, the best thing to do would be to renounce purely and simply to Note 7, “, said Park Jung-hoon, fund manager at HDC Asset Management, which owns shares of Samsung in its portfolio.
” The people have come to doubt the fundamental qualities of Samsung, and it is dangerous. “
To Eric Schiffer, a specialist in the strategy of brands and chairman of the cabinet, Reputation Management Consultants, ” if the Note 7 is maintained, it could lead to the most significant act of self-destruction in the history of the modern technologies “.
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