Saturday, October 1, 2016

The Oculus App reduced the autonomy of the Samsung Galaxy S6, and S7 –

It has probably not talked about, because it is not the type to expand on his personal problems on the site, or on social networks, but our good Panthaa was not in the mood to be very cordial these days. In case, the smartphone Samsung S6, whose autonomy seemed to melt like snow in the sun, suddenly, and without that there is no explanation. That the sky is however rented : users of Reddit which had obviously the same problem, have found a solution.

If you have seen in the past few days a significant drop in the battery life of your Samsung mobile device, ask yourself the question : are you also a user of the Gear VR and the application Oculus that accompanies it ? If the answer is yes, you hold probably the key to your problem.

A number of users on the forums of Reddit, or one of the service support of Oculus, in fact, have found that since its last update, the application of a specialist of the VR resulting from an operating abnormally high CPU models S6, S6 Edge, S7, and S7 Edge. Operation the result of which was, in addition to a heater of the phones, reduced autonomy to skin sorrow : we speak of batteries that go from 100 to 50% charge in just an hour. If one believes the information on the site Gizmodo, the problem would come from the protocol installation of the application, which continued to turn in a loop, despite an update process completed.

according to the information on the site Gizmodo Always according to our colleagues, who

mention this time to an official press release of Oculus, it is no longer necessary to uninstall the software to solve the problem. Just start it, in which case a message will prompt you to download a patch (which will stop well when it is required).

as you say that it is a Panthaa happy and again proud of his phone of the middle class which is expected to cross the threshold of the drafting Monday. We will collect, of course, his reactions to hot when we are going to meet, in order to conclude the best this news.

Profile of Kracou,


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