Monday, October 10, 2016

Samsung suspends production of the Galaxy Note 7 – Le Figaro

Samsung Electronics has suspended the production of its Galaxy Note 7, reports Monday, the south Korean agency Yonhap, after the disastrous launch of the “phablet” of which copies had to be recalled because of risk of explosion. The giant south Korean company, the world’s leading manufacturer of smartphones has refused to respond to the report from Yonhap, which does not identify the source of his information, attributing it simply to a manager of a supplier of Samsung. The latter told Yonhap that the decision to temporarily suspend production was made in consultation with the south Korean authorities, us and chinese consumer protection. “We are in the process of adjusting the volumes of production to improve quality control and enable in-depth investigations in the wake of recent explosions of Galaxy Note 7,” said the giant south Korean in a statement.

a Few weeks after the anticipated launch of the Galaxy Note 7, at its “phablet” (terminal, intermediate in size between the smartphone and the tablet) top of the range, Samsung has been forced at the beginning of September to order the recall of 2.5 million devices in the world because of risk of explosion of the battery. Images of phones charred have flooded the social networks, humiliation supreme for a group that claims to be the champion of innovation and quality.
The crisis could not have come at a worse time. After the boom years of 2012-2013, Samsung has found itself caught between the american Apple to the top of the basket and chinese competitors

as to the lower end of the range. And the south Korean was counting on this model to sustain its growth up to the end of the year in an extremely competitive market.

analysts have estimated the cost of this recall to be between one and two billion dollars. This reminder seemed to be going properly, until last week when new incidents are likely to have occurred with batteries of Note 7, which had however been replaced. On Sunday, the telecommunications company u.s.-based AT&T announced that it would replace most of the Galaxy Footnote 7, in waiting to carry out further investigations. The German T-Mobile has also announced that it would no longer trade, and that it does not offer more in the Note 7 to the sale. Despite this disappointment, Samsung Electronics has relied on Friday on a rise in its operating profit in the third quarter, higher than analysts ‘ expectations.

” Galaxy Note 7 : three weeks of hassle for Samsung


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