Saturday, October 8, 2016

Galaxy S8 : farewell to the home button ? – Le Journal du Geek

little by Little, the rumor paints a picture more interesting of the Galaxy S8, the next smartphone flagship of Samsung. Despite the bad buzz of the Footnote 7, the manufacturer intends to continue to carve out his path with a device that promises to be packed full of technology.

The home button could just disappear, after rumors of corridors Korean. This would be a change in size, all the Samsung smartphones having somewhere in front of such a component.

The fingerprint reader would be always of the party, of course, but it would be built to the same screen. Xiaomi has inaugurated this new feature with the Mid 5s, so that the reader is actually “part” of the screen (even if it is clearly identified).

The future

iPhone is also expected to make a clean sweep of the past and relegate its famous home button Touch ID to the dustbin (but the function of fingerprint recognition remain present in one form or another).


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