Monday, October 17, 2016

Samsung : the Galaxy S7 recovers some functions of the Galaxy … –

This is the (small) good news is stamped “Samsung” the update : mired in the setbacks of the discontinuation of commercialization of the Galaxy Note 7, of which over 92 copies would have caught fire, the brand Korean has deployed an update for the Galaxy S7, which takes some of the features so far exclusive to the ill-fated terminal top of the range.

According to our colleagues from Frandroid that relay information in a thread in the famous forum dedicated to XDA, the Galaxy S7 récupèrerait the advanced settings of the Always-On Display system that allows the device to display information on the screen turned off, consuming very little energy.

According to our colleagues from Frandroid that relay information in a thread in the famous forum dedicated to XDA, the Galaxy S7 would inherit the settings of the Always-On Display system that allows the device to display information on the screen turned off, consuming very little energy.So far limited to the display of time, date and the battery charge, the DOA would expand the information to calendar events, to the pieces of music being played, etc, And it would also allow the display of custom images.


however, be Careful : also gifted in optimization of energy engineers of Samsung are-they, the consumer of the ODA is not insignificant over 24 hours : with an energy cost of 1% per hour, the AOD consumes all the same the quarter of a battery charge. You have to weigh the pros and cons as to its activation.

Stamped 1.4.02, the update of the Always On Display is not yet available via an official update, but could be “pushed” in the coming weeks, on terminals around the world. In the meantime the update to the Android system that is expected to pass to the version nougat stamped 7.0.


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