Samsung has stopped the sale and production of its Galaxy Note 7. – SIPANY/SIPA

The nightmare of Samsung continues. On Friday, us authorities have banned the Galaxy Note 7 of the aircraft, even shut off. Now, the passengers risk a fine and criminal prosecution if they do not comply with the ban. Mired for the past six weeks in the crisis of the batteries explosive, Samsung is expected to record a shortfall of $ 3 billion over the next six months, according to its estimates. But the biggest loss could be “damage to his reputation,” warns David Nevins, president and CEO of Nevins & Associates, a consulting firm in marketing and communication. Here are the rules to respect in the face of a crisis of this magnitude.

Rule n°1 : “Act quickly, in full transparency “

There, Samsung had pretty well started. While the first battery explosion has been reported on the 24th of August, the company conducted a global recall of 2.5 million smartphones in less than 10 days later, on 2 September. But Samsung has remained very vague in his statement, speaking of ” a problem on a battery cell “. Nowhere it was indicated that smartphones could catch on fire and explode. “When the safety of clients is at stake, we must act quickly, with honesty, in full transparency,” says Nevins. According to him, ” it’s like with a wound : she can not heal as long as it has not been cleaned completely “. To make matters worse, Samsung has dragged on two weeks before you