Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A Galaxy S4 'Google Edition' announced at Google I / O? - FrAndroid - Frandroid

to believe the rumors from Geek he murmur that Google might have a Galaxy S4 Google Edition during the opening keynote of the Google I / O which runs from today (May 15, 2013) from 18h and 3 days.

google android samsung galaxy s4 edition google i: o 2013

If this rumor turned out, it would be a real surprise since no rumor appeared for the moment about a Galaxy S4 Google Edition which would be based on a version of Android of origin without so dear to Samsung TouchWiz interface.

More explicitly, the Galaxy S4 ‘Google Edition’ is a model installed on a bare Android version (without TouchWiz “Nature UX” Samsung interface) that developers and hackers know as name AOSP ( ndroid O pen S ource P roject).

Galaxy S4 Google Edition could advance as a pre-Nexus 5: Gorilla Glass screen 3 by 5 “FHD Snapdragon processor 600 or Exynos 5410, 2GB RAM, 13-megapixel camera , 2600 mAh battery, 4G? micro-SD? All this on a stock version of Android.

Warning, this model could:

  • not micro-SD
  • have location

  • have no physical keys sensitive

When talking Stock version of Android, we are talking about an Android version developed by Google for this model, since it would be the name “Google Edition “. However, this does not relate to future updates of the other Galaxy S4 already commercially available, we are talking about a special version of the GS4.

Finally, the rumor makes the idea that the U.S. operator T-Mobile could be the main distributor, however this could be reserved exclusively for the U.S. market and it is not to exclude available on Google Play (such as Nexus). Keep in mind that this rumor is to be taken lightly, even large tweezers

Who knows, Edward, now at Google I / O, will receive perhaps a gift. :)


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