default Nexus LTE 4, fans – including myself – will benefit from a Galaxy S4 terminal without unnecessary additions Samsung. Photo credit IDG
developers attending the Google I / O conference in San Francisco (May 14-17) will welcome the arrival of a Galaxy S4 without any of Samsung’s software additions, but the price at which the Californian plans to sell the smartphone has tempered their enthusiasm.
At its Google I / O 2013 conference, Google announced that it would sell a version of the Samsung Galaxy S4 with a standard Android OS, it is ie without widgets korean. The news has delighted fans of Samsung smartphones that are struggling to become familiar with the TouchWiz user interface, which also slows the responsiveness of the device. Galaxy S4 stamped “Google Edition” will be preloaded with Android 4.2.2 Vanilla Jelly Bean. “This is pure Android version of Google and lasts,” said the company, adding that the OS will provide experience on a Samsung Nexus smartphone.
After the cheers and applause, the announcement of the award caused some bursts: in 16 GB version, the Samsung Galaxy S4 Google Edition will cost $ 649 HT. Google will sell the mobile directly through the Play Store from June. The aircraft will be delivered unlocked and will run on 4G/LTE networks T-Mobile and AT & T. Galaxy S4 also include an unlocked bootloader.
No new Nexus device
From the moment the Google Galaxy S4 edition turn natively on Android, the California company that promised “immediate benefit of updates System Update” as smartphones and tablet Nexus. terminal side, the Galaxy S4 Google Edition is perfectly identical to the version of TouchWiz. However, Vanilla Android allow more storage space to the user (and useless gadgets TouchWiz) occupies nearly half of the 16 GB of storage on Samsung mobile).
For now, no information has been mention of a launch outside the United States, but must however keep an eye on Europe. Unfortunately, Google has not announced new Nexus devices to replace the Nexus 4, 7 or 10. By cons, Google Play Music All Access was launched to compete with Spotify.
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