Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Buy a Galaxy Note 3 and leave with a Galaxy in Gear ... - LesMobiles.com


Samsung intends to make his watch Galaxy Gear the perfect companion for its handsets, including its Galaxy Note 3 alongside which it was announced, what could be more natural than to give as a gift to purchase it ? This is what he decided to do tomorrow, Wednesday, September 25, in his Parisian shop Madeleine district. To enjoy it, it will still be up at dawn because the offer will be limited to the first 200 buyers only. Ah yes, another important information, the store will open its doors at

8 am exceptionally for the occasion.

Given the price of the watch, this is undoubtedly a good deal that is good to move a little awakening. Finally, for those who fail to courage, we invite you to read our decision in hand Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and Samsung Galaxy Gear. Note that the latter will be sent within one month from the date of purchase of the Galaxy Note 3, in black or white version.

Samsung Galaxy Note + Gear 3

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