Sunday, September 8, 2013

Galaxy Gear, smart watch Samsung disappoints (and ... - Rue89

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A woman tests the Samsung Galaxy Gear shows in New York, September 4, 2013 (JOHN ANGELILLO / NEWSCOM / SIPA)

Samsung, the biggest seller of smartphones time, exposed to the world his new toy: a “smart” shows, the Samsung Galaxy Gear. It was Wednesday, outside the IFA in Berlin the largest high-tech fair in Europe .

Samsung Galaxy Gear was eagerly awaited. A race was set up between the largest market (Apple, Microsoft) to be the first to unveil such a product.

promises of “super shows” are as follows:

  • give time (still happy)
  • to call
  • know we received SMS
  • access to applications
  • film
  • take photos
  • listen to the radio
  • store data up to 4GB

It will be available in France on September 25, but already she is criticized. Because besides the ridiculous induced by having to talk to her wrist, it has several disadvantages.


It only works with the Galaxy Note 3

watch does not work alone, but only with the Galaxy Note 3 connected via Bluetooth, unveiled new also Samsung Wednesday . The interest is just not going outside its smarphone from his pocket. This is an additional screen on you.

BBC, Chris Green, principal technology analyst in the box consulting Davies Murphy Group, said:

“Consumers may be a little disappointed to see that this smart watch is a companion device that

can be used in conjunction with a Samsung Android smartphone or tablet, rather than the communication tool quite autonomous and hoped awaited by customers. “

Carolina Milanesi, analyst for another tech consulting firm, Gartner, noted the BBC that this dependence on a smartphone is no coincidence:

“Samsung is trying to create its own ecosystem, so why would they create a product that would bring the most value to another brand? “


Its autonomy is low

do our colleagues Point out, the watch has another disadvantage: low battery life


“The watch has a day of independence: it will be critical to recharge every night, like a smartphone. A sacrifice that all potential buyers are certainly not willing to do. “


It is heavy to wear

All persons who have tested it say wear this watch is not the same feeling having your old wrist Flik Flak CM2. The Samsung Galaxy Gear leaves a feeling of heaviness in the wrist.


It offers some apps to download

Currently, only 70 applications are available on the show, including Twitter or RunKeeper (the most famous running app.)

its launch, the watch will be sold around 250 euros (299 dollars U.S.). For an object that must work with a smartphone which costs him 680 euros new, it starts to get very expensive (930 euros).


It is a tool for monitoring additional

Today, with a smartphone, we can already take pictures of strangers and put them on social networks. What will it then with this watch that can take pictures and film? Even simpler, more discreet.

particularly worrying if we imagine Google Glasses (glasses augmented reality Google) combined with this watch Samsung or Apple to Watch future perspective, we can definitely feel observed everywhere.

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