It is a fact that iPhone users often: their phones seem to be more reactive than those of Android and Windows Phone worlds. The company Agawi, which specializes in applications using the cloud (on iOS and Windows Phone), has addressed the issue and conducted tests to measure the response time of various smartphones.
The test setup included a high-speed camera (240 fps) and a few hardware called “TouchScope” house (pictured). The tests used to establish a score “response time minimal application” (or MART) measured in milliseconds, of 50 or more tests. It corresponds to the time between contact with the screen and the actual launch of the application.
As can be seen in the graph below, the iPhone 5 gets the best MART with 56 ms here or
Agawi, this is due to better optimization hardware . However, it concedes that further tests are needed and that differences in how to code applications can be slightly biased results. To limit this last factor, Agawi used applications as light as possible. The whole methodology is detailed on their website for the most curious.
The company took the opportunity to announce that “Touchmark” application will be published in the future so that users can judge for themselves, and of course back more data. It is surprising, however, did not consider qu’Agawi more useful to provide average values, probably more representative of everyday use.
Thanks to Nicolas A. for info
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