Monday, September 30, 2013

The Samsung Galaxy Note 3 is finally usable abroad - ZDNet

Technology: The Galaxy Note 3 locked area? Samsung responds yes, like, among others, S4 and S4 Mini manufactured after July. However, this limitation applies only to the first activation of the terminal and therefore does not prevent then changing areas.

Gigacom revealed last week that the latest Samsung Galaxy Note 3 was locked regions, such as DVD – which was also written in black and white on the box of the device

If phablette was bought in Europe, it could receive only SIM cards from European operators. Unable so use in other areas. Very busy, Samsung has finally explained.

Zoning the first activation only

But Gigacom, explanations are first cell came from German press manufacturer. And it said the site that Note 3 was not the

only one affected by this locking device as touching 4 Galaxy S, Galaxy S mini 4, Galaxy Note and Galaxy S II III manufactured after July.

Fortunately, this locking area is not permanent and does not prohibit actually use in other areas. Indeed, the rule only applies when the first activation of Note 3 (and other terminals Korean).


Note 3 bought in Europe, the SIM card inserted in the first use will be that of a European operator. But nothing prevents then remove the SIM to insert that of another operator, eg while traveling to the United States.

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