Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Galaxy S6 / S6 Edge: Samsung would sell more than 70 … – Clubic

Introduced at the Mobile World Congress, Samsung Galaxy and Galaxy S6 S6 Edge could give new life to the Korean automaker boost sales and face the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus.

A little Earlier this month, Samsung had released preliminary results on the first quarter of 2015. The company then estimated at a drop of 12.4% of sales compared to the first quarter of 2014, almost 40 billion euros. Meanwhile, the operating profit of the company declined by 30.5% to almost 5 billion. However, the South Korean banking on its new flagship smartphone. Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge

The Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge have good returns, I have no doubt that they become (smartphones) sold most of the Galaxy range. “These are the words of a leader Samsung Koreatimes reported by the magazine. He added that the company aims to sell over 70 million copies in total.

It must be said that since April 10, the company has already registered 20 million pre-orders and inventories several major retailers have been exhausted within hours. “ We’re back in the race ” and said a Samsung executive. The manufacturer has a somewhat unusual strategy. Indeed, Edge edition ultimately serves promotion for both aircraft and when a dealer buys a dozen Galaxy S6, he can get the right to buy five editions Edge selling it later.

Previously, Samsung had sold 70 million copies of the Galaxy S3 and S4. The S5′s sales, however, were disappointing, reaching only 60% of the goal of the company

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