Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Samsung Galaxy S6 vs. Edge iPhone 6: Who is the fastest? – Mensquare

Who is the fastest between the Samsung Galaxy Edge S6 and the iPhone 6? Writing brings you part of the answer with its video speed test.

The Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge is a bit faster than the iPhone 6 Plus. Is it the same with the iPhone 6? The answer is to be found in the video below.

Read also: Samsung Galaxy S6 vs. Edge iPhone 6 Plus – which is the fastest

As for the Phablet Apple, we wanted to confront the Edge S6 to version 4.7 inches with everyday applications as man and woman in the world are likely to use. We just run these applications and expect them to arrive at their start menu. If you looked at our speed test Edge S6 / 6 Plus, we concluded an advantage at the last high-end smartphone from Samsung. A tiny advance as the difference is small. It is the same with the iPhone 6

See also:. testing the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge

Launched the same list of applications. Namely two games (Boom Beach Modern Combat 5: Blackout), two video streaming applications (Canalplay and Netflix), a content aggregator (Digg Reader) and Google Maps for geolocation. You will see on the video the Edge S6 is a little faster than 6. Nothing damaging property. This is not even a matter of a second. It is not above that the choice between one or the other of the two phones can

legitimately do while on paper the Edge should take much advantage with its eight-core 64-bit processor Exynos 7420 and three GB of RAM. In front, the iPhone 6 (iOS 8.2) has its A8 processor doubled M8 motion processor with 1GB of RAM

See also:. Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge vs iPhone 6 – photo comparative

Who performs the best pictures from the Edge S6 and iPhone 6

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