Friday, April 10, 2015

Samsung Galaxy S6: stronger than the iPhone 6, but is it cheaper? –

Given the success of Apple with the iPhone 6, Samsung plays big with its latest smartphone, the Galaxy S6 aimed, too, the high-end market. If the Korean American side ahead of specifications, what about the price? Here are the best deals get hold of the two kings of the mobile.

Should we fall for the Galaxy Samsung S6, tumbling end week in stores and on the Internet? As for performance, the latest toy from Korean brand has nothing to envy its main competitor the iPhone 6. Quality of the screen, processor, battery, memory, camera … the smartphone won on paper all the rounds of our recent roundup. “All tests confirm that the use S6 dominates the iPhone, including the camera, only point on which there was still doubt,” we says one at Best specialized site the sector

Among the points where the Galaxy stands. the screen displays a higher resolution than the iPhone 6, his camera is 16 megapixels, double-end camera Apple phone. Do not spoil his memory is larger and more powerful battery, which is not difficult while the iPhone has to be recharged every day. Technically, the game is folded. But what about the price?

To decide between the two rivals, we asked the MeilleurMobile website to find the best deals, with and without commitment, including the Galaxy S6 and the iPhone 6. Only those integrating calls, unlimited SMS and MMS and 3GB of “data” to surf the Internet were selected. These experts then calculated the cost over 24 months, taking into account the smartphone purchase price and the monthly fee.

24 months

No obligation

Source: (the compared

models are the Samsung Galaxy S6 32GB and 16GB Apple iPhone 6)

Verdict: Virgin, a subsidiary of SFR, Numericable and Sosh, a subsidiary of Orange, are the two operators that offer the most attractive rates to acquire these two devices. With package 36.99 euros per month (the most expensive of the range), Virgin offers the same price for both smartphones. However, the most attractive offer is currently that of Sosh, with its package no obligation to 19.99 euros per month. But we must pay the considerable cost of the phone to order. At 709 euros, the Galaxy S6 is then only 40 euros more expensive than the iPhone 6. Both phones are thus on the same price range with a slight advantage for the iPhone.

Good to know However, “the iPhone 6 is out for 8 months and its price has not decreased compared to its launch. A phenomenon that should not be observed for the Galaxy S6 for Android smartphones décotent much faster, “says our expert Best Mobile.

In fact, according to an estimate of the evolution of Prices old five generations of Samsung Galaxy S, the price of S6 is expected to fall 10% after one month and 28% after six months on the market, a savings of nearly 200 euros. So the price of last phone Samsung should quickly drop below that of the iPhone 6. Some e-commerce sites like Amazon or Cdiscount should include lower prices in the coming months. A little patience …


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