Samsung promised, the Galaxy S6 would be an opportunity to greatly simplify its interface. The promise was more or less held and we must recognize that the 2015 vintage of TouchWiz, Samsung’s overlay on its phones, is much lighter and easier to access than that of last year. This did not prevent many harbor many secrets. Here are nine tips that should make your life with your Galaxy S6, whether standard or Edge.
Custom launcher
If this is the first time you take a Galaxy smartphone in your hands, the first reaction is to change the launcher, which serves as an office on Android. A long press anywhere on the launcher used to display its options. In particular it is possible to change the size of the grid application for the change to 4 × 5 or 5 × 5, which will slightly reduce the size of icons.
The option menu launcher also disables Briefing, the news reader that appears by default on the left pane of the launcher. In this menu, go to the briefing panel and disable it by unchecking the box above. Note finally that’s what menu that allows you to add components to the launcher, select the Home pane, and also to add widgets.
Apply and install new themes
Now that the launcher is properly configured, it is time to pimp. Also in the launcher menu, click Themes or go to the Settings menu & gt; Personnel & gt; Themes. By default three themes are available but it is possible to download others by clicking on “Shop”, located on the top right. Do not rely also not too term, for the moment, most of the themes are free. And as you will soon notice, the quality is very uneven. Be careful, however, to download additional themes, it is necessary to have a Samsung account. A simple email address is required.
Once the theme is downloaded, it is automatically added in the Themes menu. Once installed, simply activate it to apply automatically. Themes change the buttons sometimes sounds, screens and some icons funds. A good way to customize their phone.
Using Smart Alert and gestures in general
The gestures, these are gestures made by the user that the phone will interpret to launch a action. The Galaxy S6 has four in total, which can be activated in the menu “Movements and gestures” phone settings. There are different gestures more or less useful as the act of appeal by bringing the phone to your ear when you’re on a contact card, the ability to “transfer” a bell covering the phone screen or yet sweep left to right with the edge of the hand of screen to take a screenshot (however, it is much easier to press the power button of the phone and the home button at the same time).
It turns out that the most practical gesture is Smart alert. Once activated, the phone will vibrate when it feels it will be taken in hand to indicate a missed call or an unread message. Practice.
Using screen sharing
Once painful to use the split-screen mode, which allows you to view two applications simultaneously on the screen is now very easy to use. There are two ways to use it.
The first is to press and hold the multitasking button to the right of the physical button on the front panel. A window shared by a horizontal line with a little scary and explicit message will appear. In the lower half of the screen appears a list of applications that can be displayed. Not all are compatible with this display mode. Then simply click on an application for viewing in the upper part and then a second to show it on the bottom. It is then possible to vertically resize both windows playing with the center circle.
The second method is to use multitasking. Touch the multitasking button to view all the applications in use. In the context of applications entitled to the right is a discreet icon bunk rectangles. Pressing this icon to display split screen.
Reduce the size of an application
It is possible to minimize an application for viewing in a floating window order or to leave it in the background, or to copy some of its contents into another application (text or picture). To reduce the size of a window of an application, you have to drag your finger on the screen diagonal from the top left or right corner. The application window will automatically be reduced by about half. You can stretch it by touching the edges.
The button above the application opens a small menu. The left icon to copy text or pictures to send in another application. The one with the two arrows to reduce the application form bubble that will always first. The third resets the application in full screen and the cross closes the application. Note finally that it is possible to reduce the size of several applications at the same time to switch from one to the other easily.
New modes of the camera
It does not return to the qualities of the Galaxy S6 camera. It is simply excellent. But it also hides some secrets. For starters, it should be remembered that a double press of the camera button the home engages automatically and very quickly. A significant shortcut.
Then, Samsung
Block calls
There is a tendency to forget with toys to over 700 euro, as the Galaxy S6, but this kind of device is also used to make calls. And like many manufacturers, Samsung has worked the phone application (or dialer in English) in order to make it easier to use.
The intricacies of the dialer are well hidden in the settings menu, found at the top right of the application under the button “More”. These are the menus “Call Rejection” and “Answer and end calls” of interest. The first to manage an automatic rejection list. It is possible both to enter a number manually or import lists from unwanted numbers the call log or contact. Also an option to block all anonymous calls. The second menu also lets you assign shortcuts to hardware buttons. One option is to take calls by pressing the Home button. Practice.
Enable Ultra Power Save Mode
Although Samsung has greatly simplified the interface of the Galaxy S6 but retained the practical features of the Galaxy S5. The Galaxy S6 therefore includes several energy-saving mode. They can be activated by going to Settings and then in Battery. The Energy Saver mode slows the processor to lower the screen brightness and turn off anything that could easily consume the battery on the smartphone. Ideal in a big day when you know in advance that the battery will barely.
Ultra energy saving mode allows for him to reduce the capacity of the smartphone to its largest minimum so that the phone takes as long as possible with the least amount of battery. Specifically, the screen will go black and white (AMOLED Galaxy S6 consumes no energy when black is displayed) and limit its functions on the phone, messages, an Internet browser and a handful of other applications
Bonus:. enable additional functionality rootant phone
If you feel bidouilleuse soul and you’re not afraid to put their hands in the grease, then you can try your rooter Galaxy S6. A tutorial is available in our forum, for example. Once ROOTE phone, it is possible to add lines of code others.xml file located in the folder system / csc / (root explorer is required to access).
After others.xml open file add the following lines to the end file
Enable calls Wifi phone settings:
& lt; CscFeature_Setting_SupportWifiCall & gt; TRUE & lt; / CscFeature_Setting_SupportWifiCall & gt;.
On the recording function call:
On the send function programmed messages:
<CscFeature_Message_EnableScheduledMessage>true</CscFeature_Message_EnableScheduledMessage> <CscFeature_Message_EnableScheduledMsgBox>true</CscFeature_Message_EnableScheduledMsgBox>
For more information, we suggest you refer to this topic in English, the XDA-developers forum.
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