Thursday, April 23, 2015

Galaxy S6 vs. iPhone 6, HTC Nexus One M9 and 6: which one is more … – Phonandroid

During the week, GameBench published an interesting report after comparing the respective performances of the Galaxy S6, the iPhone 6, the HTC One Nexus 6 M9 and its benchmark tool. The aim of the study was to compare not only the performance of the four smartphones ten pretty popular games, but also those of the two OS.

If officially Gamebench is available only on Android, the company has also of iOS internally. What compare the relative performance of the four smartphones a list of ten games , some of which are quite greedy Asphalt 8 Real Racing 3, Dead Trigger 2, Kill Shot, Boom Beach, XCOM: Enemy Within, GTA: San Andreas, Modern Combat 5, Marvel: Contest of Champions and Monument Valley


As you can read in the full version of the report. Gamebench, the benchmark is to rotate each of the 10 games on the four phones for fifteen minutes to measure three different values: the number of frames per second more commonly called the Median FPS, the minimum FPS is the minimum image displayed in one second when slowing down and the stability index which allows to observe any slowdowns. Methodology, in theory, that seems to be pretty reliable one that best approximates the Actual performance phones when running a game .

The summarized results

When looking at the results of synthetic Galaxy S6, iPhone 6, HTC Nexus One M9 and 6 on all ten tests, we see, not without difficulty, it is the latest flagship of Apple leads the way with a median average framerate of 42 FPS. In second place, there is the latest Samsung with 36 FPS while the HTC One and the Nexus 6 M9 arrive tied with 34 FPS. Moreover, it is the four tested phones, one that has the best stability index.

However, if the iPhone 6 arrives first on the majority of games, there are nevertheless some exceptions including Asphalt 8 or the HTC One M9 is placed in first position and well ahead three competitors. For its part, the Galaxy S6 is first on Kill Shot and Real Racing 3.

The Android flagships limited by their definition screen?

Unlike some benchmark that takes place “offscreen” Gamebench occurs with the monitor on. Knowing that the Retina display of the iPhone HD 6 displays a definition of 1334 × 750 pixels against 2560 x 1440 pixels for the Galaxy Nexus 6 S6 and while the HTC One M9 is a team full HD 1080p display, it is understandable that comes first on some games.

However, this factor can not explain alone the superiority of Apple’s latest flagship on Gamebench tests. As quite rightly puts forward precisely the original report, all Android and iOS

games are not executed according to the native resolution of the devices. Real Racing 3, for example, never runs Quad HD. However, the games running in full resolution on the Galaxy S6 can potentially reduce scores against the iPhone 6.

Some games limited to 30 fps

More relevant statement by the second factor Gamebench highlights a reality that we could not have imagined at first. Some games are artificially capped at 30 FPS but only on certain devices limiting their performance while some competing smartphones fail to take advantage. This is particularly the case of Asphalt 8 on the Galaxy S6 which would probably have got a better score without the restriction to 30 FPS. This is also the case of the iPhone 6 on Real Racing 3 where he arrived only third.

In general, six of the ten games tested were clamped on Android. A decision for both manufacturers often seek to limit overheating but developers who need to ensure that the games run smoothly on all devices. And it is even more complex when it comes to Android, given the number of terminals in the Google OS.

Results by games



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