Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Here’s what it would cost to manufacture a Samsung Galaxy S6 … – Juicer (Blog)

This always requires a good margin, if one ignores the R & amp; D and other costs

Fans of Chinese Xiaomi knowing perhaps that sentence of his vice president Hugo Barra: “We fundamentally believe that when it costs you $ 200 to make something, you should not sell it for $ 600.” If, on hearing this sentence, we think directly to Apple, it is know that Samsung does not escape the implicit accusation.

A year ago, we mentioned already the cost of manufacturing a Samsung Galaxy S5. Today, the S6 and S6 Edge are already there, which seem to attract more customers from the previous model. At least that is what suggests many sources, such as indicating that these two models would have been three times as compared to pre-order Galaxy S5 in France.

It should be once again, the South Korean managed to surprise us, especially with model S6 Edge, more beautiful (or not) and of course more expensive. But how much does it cost to manufacture a Samsung Galaxy Edge S6 (whose prices sometimes reach 970 euros in France)?

To answer this question, IHS had an disassembling unit, to obtain an estimate of the cost of manufacture

A justified price

The result of this estimation.? $ 290 for the version built for the US network Verizon 64 GB of memory, which has been studied. This is the estimated cost of producing a unit of the Galaxy S6 Edge, which includes components and assembly.

What you need to know is that it is the one of the most expensive mobile to produce. More than the S5 even more than the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, if you look at the previous estimates by IHS.

And also, according to Andrew Rassweiler, an analyst with IHS, Samsung tried to make

similar choices to those of Apple. He also explained that “The bottom line is that this phone is less expensive than an iPhone to buy, but is more expensive to manufacture for Samsung.”

element more expensive would be the curved screen and tactile elements. Then comes the Exynos chip 7. In any case, the S6 Edge is doing better than the S5, which had been the subject of comment not very complimentary: “Inside, we see essentially a many recycled components that we have seen before. “



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