Samsung has just taken a terrible decision: in Japan, future smartphones will not be sold under the name of Samsung Galaxy Galaxy only. The name Samsung therefore pass by the wayside.
In Japan, future Samsung smartphones will not sold under the Galaxy brand. Instead, the name of the South Korean manufacturer will be replaced with the name of the operators who will offer smartphones to their customers. There will therefore be two different brands: Docomo Galaxy and Galaxy. To go along with this new name, two Japanese operators will sell Samsung smartphones devoid of any brand logo on the hull.
The first smartphone to benefit from this rebranding in Japan will be the two new flagships of the brand: Galaxy Galaxy S6 and S6 edge. It is likely that future terminals of the brand, sold in Japan, also see the Samsung brand to disappear in favor of Galaxy. A part of Samsung merely indicate that Galaxy brand was well established in Japan to explain the new strategy . We imagine that this choice was partly dictated by local operators but could also benefit Samsung. The manufacturer is struggling to enter the Japanese market as the latest smartphone sales figures show a market share of only 5.6% for Samsung
Samsung account quickly sell its inventory of Galaxy S6 and S6 Galaxy edge since the manufacturer has ensured it a few days ago that he could sell 10 million in less than a month.
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