Saturday, April 4, 2015

Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge: where to buy the best price at … – CNET France

                   Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge: where buy at the best price among operators?


 To offer a new smartphone, the most advantageous solution is often to pay cash and remain free to keep his crime. One saves and re-engagement with its operator and does not assume the cost of the package over 24 months.

Galaxy S6
Galaxy S6 Edge
Go 32
709 euros
859 euros
Go 64
(809) euros 959 euros
128 GB
(909) euros (1059) euros

The most expensive models Note that are not yet available at the time of writing. In theory, it will add 100 for each storage level.

“Low cost” and MVNO

For packages without obligation and MVNOs is not too complicated: You will pay the price of the smartphone, or a little more. However, it is possible to spread the payment of 4, 12 or 24 months without charge. In Sosh and a S6 709 euros it gives:

– 4 monthly payments of 177.25 euros
– 511 euros and 12 euros
x 18 – 24 x 525 euros and 8 euros.

It’s the same principle at Virgin Mobile, which is a bit more expensive, the phones are offered at 721.99 (S6) and 861.99 euros (Edge S6).

The choice of writing

  • The package Sosh 19.99 euros / month with 3 GB of data for a total cost of 24 months of theoretical 1 188.76 euros with S6 32GB and 1 338.76 euros with Edge S6 32GB.

Historic Operators

Lorsqu’engagement there, calculations necessary to know the cost over two years.
incumbents we leave aside the offers with 1 GB of data or less that are not adapted to the use of a smartphone like the Galaxy S6.


At Orange it’s always a bit complex, there are more packages and refund offers (ODR) are also implemented. As often, the ticket is attractive, but with a package that is much less. First prize at Orange: 199 euros.
Said like that, it does not seem very expensive, but in reality it is only for an Origami Jet monthly package 89.99 euros (10 GB data + 7 in Europe annually Calls / SMS Unlimited EU) and after ODR 100 euros. Over two years, this gives a tidy sum of 2160.66 euros, if you opt for the Origami Jet 14 GB + 14 in Europe, the subscription is charged 159 euros a month … which brings us 4,039.66 euros two years.

In addition to these clearly packages for professionals, Orange has offers more mainstream as Origami Play 3 or 7 GB for 42.99 or 54.99 euros per month.

  • With 3 GB phone sold 419,90 euros, 1451.66 euros over two years.
  • With 7 GB, it is sold at 299.90 euros, 1619.66 euros over two years.

To the Edge
Orange model only charges an additional 100 euros for the version with Edge Origami Jet and Play. So just add to the price of 100 euros for S6 have with Edge release. For other deals, it will add 150 euros. It’s simple.

The choice of writing at Orange

  • Origami Play with 3 GB with an Edge S6 1551.66 euros two years, one of the only packages where you truly earn 50 euros on the price of the smartphone.

SFR – Numericable

First prize SFR 49.99 euros (S6 32 GB) and 8 euros for 24 months (c This is the case for all packages) and after ODR 200

euros, 249 euros is actually that it will come out. Well of course, this varies depending on the package.

As with Orange, for this price, you have a subscription to 89.99 with 15 GB of data and calls to and from the USA. Total cost over 2 years: 2401.75 euros .
With 10 GB of data, 149.99 euros and 53.99 euros a month is 1637.75 euros over two years .
5 GB of data will cost 43.99 euros per month, the smartphone is charged 229.99 euros, for a total 1477.75 euros over two years .

The choice of writing SFR

  • The package with 5 GB for 1,477 euros over 2 years. Note that for the Edge model, all prices increase by 120 or 130 euros, it therefore earns 30 euros in the best case.

Bouygues Telecom

Even with Bouygues fight, but rates start at 281.99 euros after ODR 200 euros and with a package 89,90 EUR (20 GB data) at a cost of 2441.75 euros over two years . For all packages, it is possible to pay 8 euros per month for 24 months to pay 192 euros less initially.

With a sensation package 3GB of data it costs 32.99 euros by me, and 541 euros for the telephone or 1333.66 euros over two years .
With 5 GB of data, it costs 39.99 euros for two years and 501.90 for the phone to be 1461.66 euros .
Edge Version, add 130 euros. Therefore, the operator places a small reduction of 20 euros on the curved screen smartphone.

The choice of writing Bouygues

  • The sensation package 3GB found the right balance to take advantage of the smartphone, without paying too much in one go. It is this offer 1333.66 euros over two years that holds our attention.

Free Mobile

The fourth operator has only packages without obligation. The first is 2 euros, with 2 hours of call and 50 MB of data, the second to 19.99 euros for calls / unlimited SMS and 3GB 3G and 4G 20. These rates apply to non-subscribers Freebox. So, no subsidy at Free Mobile is 709 or 859 euros, but the payment can be spread in four installments: 178 euros and 177 euros or 3 x 217 3 x 214 euros and euros. This gives the total cost over 24 months theoretical:

Package at 19.99 with Galaxy S6 (32 GB): 1 188.76 euros ( 1092.76 euros for Freebox subscribers)
Package 2 euros, with Galaxy S6 (32 GB): 757 euros (709 euros for Freebox subscribers)
Package at 19.99 with S6 Edge (32 GB) : 1 338.76 euros ( 1242.76 euros for Freebox subscribers)
Package 2 euros with S6 Edge (32 GB). 907 euros (859 euros for Freebox subscribers)

The location of the smartphone is not available with the S6 currently.

The choice of writing at Free

  • Difficult to do better than the package to 15.99 euros for Freebox subscribers, S6 1092.76 euros for a 2-year subscription.


Free and Bouygues cheapest. As always, it’s Free Mobile pulling out of the game with the lowest rate in two years. In the incumbents is Bouygues Telecom, which is in our opinion the best ratio data / price over two years.


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