Saturday, April 4, 2015

The Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge he folds under pressure … – Le Journal du Geek

Take any smartphone, twist it as an ox, he will fold, it’s obvious. But how far can he resist? This is the question that wanted to respond SquareTrade.


Bendgate iPhone 6 Plus caused a stir, but it is far from being the only one not withstand the pressure. SquareTrade asked whether the Edge S6, the new flagship of Samsung, pandered too. Finally, more precisely, under what pressure he bent and became unusable.

So we learn that S6 Edge bends exactly the same pressure as the iPhone 6. However, if the Apple smartphone just folds The Edge display breaks. But the two smartphones are still usable even in this state. Note that the new M9 is also tested. And positioning of the power button does not actually in his favor, as we can see.

Alternatively, you can also not bend it. This is a idea to dig.

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