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The Star Wars license is in turmoil. With the arrival by two months the seventh film in the saga, Star Wars VII directed by JJ Abrams, the communication campaign in full swing and merchandising wants more and more pressing. And mobile galaxy is not immune to the phenomenon. After the release of Star Wars: Order in 2014, a Strategy game complete with multiple updates and the recent appearance on the App Store and Google Play Action RPG called Rising Star Wars , franchising initiated by George Lucas puts on again his Jedi robe and drew his lightsaber with RPG Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes; a title published by Electronic Arts . As the finger touching the end of its development phase, the US publisher launched on the App Store Australia this new title taking place in a galaxy far, far away … to polish the game and mainly its economic model. The rest of the world can expect a release by the end of the year and thus embrace the Star Wars madness to come.
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes 15 minutes to save the galaxy
The RPG is on the rise for nearly a gloss on mobile platforms. Adapted often wrongly and sometimes wrongly, continually changing shapes (Fast RPG, puzzle-RPG, Tactical-RPG …), this kind invades every day our smartphones and tablets. Electronic Arts has understood and makes the final adjustments before great fanfare launch of its new RPG.
Star Wars or Proust’s madeleine of the XXI century
Galaxy of Heroes does not bother a scenario. While Star Wars Insurrection is authorized swerve in the History of the license by offering the player a fun way to discover the events preceding Star Wars VII, Title EA merely nothing, of a gesture . No context, no situational. The player simply arrives without introduction or almost at the Cantina, emblematic place of the saga that will serve as the main menu. From this place of passage you will be allowed to launch missions to improve your troops, to claim your rewards … La Cantina is a place of life and a bonus under the boredom away a 2D menu by a bar of life. Even though, perfection is not of this world and the rest of the menus are displayed in 2D.
Dénué staging, Galaxy of Heroes turns into outright homage to the Star Wars saga. Fan service is omnipresent. Leveraging references to previous films, the vagabond player from mission to mission and crosses at the option of fighting cults places of the saga reviving the same time that nostalgia so sought after by fans. And the hero are not left out. Among 57 and all from the prequels or the trilogy, these virtual beings push followers to farmer the same loop assignments hoping unlock Darth Sidious, Mace Windu, Qui-Gon Jinn, an imperial guard, a StormTrooper … and many others. The soundscape also plays his score perfectly. The sounds emitted by the laser pistols and sword attacks are trying to vibrate the chord and transport nonstop player in this universe.
The power of the Force, turn-
Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a tactical RPG Fast structured around fighting turn-starved dynamism. From mission to mission, depending on your alignment “Light” or “Dark”, you face waves of enemies, 3 in total per mission, at the head of a band comprised of 1 to 6 heroes. So you browse the galaxy, eliminating the threat from the dark side or destroying the last gasps of hope of a rebellion on the decline. The disposition of your troops, however, has no impact on the course fighting. Opponents have the opportunity to shoot beyond your first line, a tank positioned as a shield frailer units therefore useless. Moreover, the choice of confrontation during phases are limited to a minimum. A basic attack and a special attack that
Le choice of heroes to take into battle influences the conduct of missions, each bringing specific skills and abilities able to save an ill-board situation. But improving these heroes quickly proves crucial if you hope to progress. mechanical aping RPG, all the characters are characterized by a level symbolizing their experience, various attacks and abilities to unlock and linked to their level of experience and a level of equipment to wear ever more powerful items. A flawless classical in appearance and yet corrupted by an economic model Free to play oscillating between frustration, expectation and lack of generosity.
The art of war according Dark Free to play
Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes could be a pleasant way to go, a game in album form memories on mobile in the manner of a Final Fantasy Record Keeper. But it is not. All mechanical progress grow fat on the back of the player blows of farming or checkout. unlock a new character needs to collect a set number of chips (“Shards” ). The same applies to the experience of your hero, a max level their being imposed. A limit to take off for a specific number of chips that you collect during missions or buying data cards. The progression of heroes is really frustrating chained to this economic model. To train a hero, what will make him gain experience, you use training droids distributed rewards completed missions, all coupled to a sum of credits (there are no small profits !!!). Terminating the mission was therefore not sufficient in the eyes of developers to grant to all the heroes gain XP !!!
Et the title of Electronic Arts does not stop there way in arming themselves with three different currencies: the credits, the Crystals and Social Points. While the credits are obtained and easily by browsing the pile missions of the game and allow among others to lead your heroes, the Crystals and Social Points are collected by the sweat of the finger and give access to data cards. Definitely, Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes gets stuck in a Free to play more complex indigestible and at its height after a few hours annihilating the pleasure of playing in favor of farming and integrated procurement
Our impressions
The strength of this Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is in this sense of detail suitable to bring back past memories buried by the mere presence of a character you have particularly strong or slamming her tenderly to your eardrum. Unfortunately, the lack of innovation, struggles tasteless and Free to play drastic political mission after nibble Mission memories of the franchise fans and extinguish any will to persevere in an experience that is to just go from mission Mission in search of yet another item or shine releasing a hero, an ability … no real interest.
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