Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The Galaxy S7 would come out three versions with three processors … – Phonandroid

Always at the forefront of the news as soon as it comes to Samsung products, the site SamMobile just be given the most interesting information from one of his sources. As we had already seen, Samsung is currently testing two versions of its Galaxy S7 . A first equipped with a Snapdragon processor 820 and the other equipped with a Exynos processor 8890, also known under the code name Mongoose. But what you do not know was that the Korean would also have provided an in third model Exynos 7422 .

Just like in 2013 and in 2014, Samsung would have the intends to propose several different processors depending on the market. However, the distribution would not be quite the same. The Galaxy S7 Snapdragon 820 would be reserved for China and the United States while Europe, Korea and Japan would be entitled to the Exynos 8890 also saw on different benchmarks and seems quite promising. For its part, the model Exynos 7422 would be reserved for the Indian market.

Soc already mentioned several times this summer as initially expected at the heart of the Galaxy Note 5 before to be replaced by an Exynos 7420 with 4 GB of RAM. Difficult to assume the performance of the Exynos 7422 as it is currently present within any smartphone of the firm, however, we imagine that if Samsung has bothered to develop its Exynos 8890, c ‘ the aim is to offer even more power with a Soc in the previous year.

Although the release date of the Galaxy S7 seems to have been advanced to February, the smartphone is still full development. Samsung reintegrate consider including a micro SD slot, absent from four high-end models launched this year

alongside its UFS 2.0 memory modules. A Galaxy S7 Edge with curved screen should also come to accompany the classic model


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