Tuesday, October 6, 2015

This Samsung Galaxy S7 should remind you of good memories – Fredzone


Samsung is currently working on the Galaxy S7 but the terminal will not be presented before many months. We’ll have to arm ourselves with patience, of course, but we will still be able to fall back on all these concepts that flood regularly canvas. Yes and this creation should be very fun to some of you.

This concept was actually with Hasan Kaymak and this should inevitably say something as it is often evoked in these lines. It is also not surprising given the quality of its creations.

 Concept Galaxy S7

The Galaxy S7 will probably not look like that but this creation should still appeal to some of you.

If you do not believe me, you can also go snooping around here or there to discover by some of his best ideas.

This is Galaxy S7 no first freshness however. It was posted earlier in the year but it was fully passed under my nose so I just had to catch up late.

Especially it really hit me in the eye.

The terminal designed by Hasan is not unlike the latest HTC. He inherited part of their lines and their finishes, with a beautiful brushed metal shell.

It does not look like the Galaxy S6 or even 5 Galaxy Note, it’s true, but it was still strong assets in stock. I think of these two speakers placed at the front or even the button “home” much more discreet than offering the latest devices produced by Samsung.

No, ultimately

the biggest problem with this video is that it lasts only thirty seconds and she does not let us see enough things about the terminal. I really liked Hasan goes a little further, for once.

After, we must not forget that these concepts not require a lot of time. Between modeling of the terminal, creating texture and realization of animation, it takes at least several hours. Sometimes several days.





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