Friday, May 1, 2015

Galaxy Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge: Samsung confirms problems … – Phonandroid

It is very rare to see new products out without being scratched by some flaws. The Galaxy S6 and S6 Galaxy Edge are no exception. Problems AMR affect the performance of the two smartphones , as Samsung has just confirmed. But the manufacturer already promises fixes.

Galaxy Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge unquestionably among the most powerful smartphones of the moment. They embark everything Samsung does best and allow no problem to suit all uses.

Among the components that allow two flagship stores to display excellent performance, the RAM is an element very important. The Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge have 3 GB of RAM, which, coupled with the other components is more than enough.

Yes but now, this bug affects RAM and significantly reduces the performance of both devices. It is not a rumor but a Samsung officially recognized problem. The problem does not apply to all models but still a significant proportion of users.

Some updates minimal days will soon be deployed to correct performance problems and stability of the terminal. Check availability via Settings & gt; About phone & gt; Software Update & gt; Update Now. – Samsung UK –

Do not panic because builder assured that corrective action would be made very soon via a set minimal update. It will nevertheless that users manually proceed to see happen this update.

In any case, Samsung does not intend to leave his two smartphones stars will leave scratch by any controversy. It shows reactive despite early problems. Reactivity welcome. And you, have you met these bugs AMR


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