Saturday, October 5, 2013

Samsung Galaxy Note 3 - phablet little hands will ... - Android France

October 06

phablet, it can quickly become cumbersome and handling , for most of them (if not all) is not very easy to less use both mimines .

Samsung had some things easier by introducing the phablets range Note the “ one-handed operation “, allowing reduce and stick to the left or right the telephone keypad , the Samsung keyboard, calculator or model release.

last born, I named Galaxy Note 3 , has been improved in this version option. Indeed, in addition to the above-mentioned items, GN3 can do the same thing … with the entire screen

activation option (Settings> Operation with one hand), a swipe left or right and the interface is reduced with the added bonus the home keys, return and volume . The window can be created moved or resized . Proof:

This mode does not work with the camera, games or any application requiring a full screen display.

It is not very pretty, but at least it has the merit to exist! Personally, I do not use these options (the advantage of being large: D) and even if I wanted to, I’d be too afraid that the mobile escape my hands, or worse, he finds himself the hands of an arrant thief (I’m ready for my Parisian life) …

Source | Android Authority


Nolife, game addict, supporter DFSA and accounting, sometimes …


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