Friday, October 25, 2013

Telorion Vox: a Samsung Galaxy S3 adapted for the blind and ... - Maxisciences

Telorion Vox: the solution uses a membrane placed on the terminal. Technology, it’s convenient, it’s beautiful, it’s useful … But some people are more difficult to access than others. Blind and visually impaired people in it. And though many attempts have been made to bring people with these diseases to new technologies, one of them will perhaps revolutionize the field: Telorion Vox


Read a book, call to locate a place to take notes … What could be easier for most people on the planet. But what about the people who are blind or visually impaired? Historically, many companies have tried to develop solutions to these people to access many types of activities.

But then today the smartphone can do all this in the palm of your hand and available for a fee, some blind and visually impaired people had such an asset in their hands. This situation could change with the Telorion Vox, an all-in-one using one of the most popular smartphones of all time: the Samsung Galaxy S3


Telorion Vox consists of software to install on the smartphone (it is available commercially or via the online store Telorion) and a membrane affixed to the device. Each key, each menu or information each smartphone is vocalized to the user with the ability to speed up or slow down the speech simply by passing three fingers up the screen or down. Sending message input phone number or e-mail is done in a clear, articulated by the voice of the phone, which also gives the different contextual functions for each mode: recall, edit a contact or a message, send or reply to an email, the text input can be done via keyboard or voice.

Each page of the display is zoomable and the color of the background and text can also be changed for those wishing a more contrasted screen.

an MP3 player, a GPS and a reading light

Running Android 4.2.2, the device paired with the software developed for two years Telorion also provides useful and appropriate to the circumstances applications: a calendar, an alarm, a Web browser, a reading light, a detector colors and brightness, an MP3 or a function taking notes reader with reading the title of the header.

But where the strength of the Galaxy S3 makes the difference and offer real tools, they are in the position of reading text in handwriting recognition or pedestrian GPS.

For the first function, simply pass a written as smartphone sheet for the latter to take a picture in one take, recognize the writing, and starts reading the paper … In a few seconds

its pedestrian GPS function, the device offers, for example, being in the middle of a street, the direction of it and the nearest address. It also proposes to develop the route with voice interface, search the web or via the contact address or, finally, to be guided step by step.

An affordable solution

One of the key points of the Telorion Vox solution is not to use a particular material, but a specific software on a common hardware: Samsung Galaxy S3 in this case (note that it can also be used with a Galaxy S2).

Therefore, its cost is more accessible than others, and it will take 329 euros for the software and its membrane (if the user already has a Samsung Galaxy S2 or S3) or 680 euros for the pack including the solution over the smartphone.

All these solutions and these rates are available on the website of the firm Telorion. Connecting a world where communication is difficult with a technology that will bring him a lot, Vox is promised a great success.

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