Sunday, June 28, 2015

Tips: Samsung Galaxy S6 and LG G4 and G3 at great prices … – Frandroid

On the occasion of balances, PriceMinister offers again a happy hour on all of its site to recover between 10% and 15% of your purchase vouchers to use on the the entire site. The opportunity to make savings.

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The principle of the happy hour PriceMinister is simple, you buy on the site and you can recover from 10% and 15% of your purchase in good to use on the site after receiving the goods and after noting the sellers. To qualify, you must register on this link to take advantage of the operation on the entire site (excluding books and Coin) .

For the occasion, the site offers great rates on smartphones. Here are some examples:

The Samsung Galaxy S6 is offered at 549 euros by vip-movil seller (European import). With happy hour, you can get up to 82 euros in vouchers valid on future purchases making it a cost of 467 euros.

The LG G4 is proposed to 569 euros. With happy hour PriceMinister, you can recover up to 85.35 euros in vouchers valid on future purchases making a cost price of 484 euros.

The LG G3 is proposed 344.50 euros by inserting the code TRES20300 saving 20 euros. With happy hour PriceMinister, you can recover up to 52 euros in vouchers valid on future purchases making it a cost of 272,50 euros.


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