Friday, September 4, 2015

Galaxy View: The large format Samsung tablet? – ZDNet France

On the occasion of the IFA in Berlin, Samsung has made several announcements around connected objects, and formalized its next smart watch, the Gear 2. On the front of the phone, nothing special, the last having been phablettes presented earlier, in August.

And the side shelves? The Korean manufacturer is limited to a teaser at the very end of his press conference. Large format tablet or 2-in-1 hard for time slicing, Samsung has not disclosed a few images.

Back through the large format tablet?

The announced ambition is to push the limits. As for the name of this future product: Galaxy View. For more details, it will wait. Samsung indicated that he will communicate about this device in October.

In August, SamMobile evoked the project Tahoe Samsung, a 18.4-inch tablet. With such a format, the Korean would push the limits Indeed, with a larger screen than the Apple device qu’envisagerait (12.9 inches for the iPad Pro).

Samsung, as Apple is overdue in the global tablet market, down sharply this year (-8% by 2015 according to IDC). In the 2nd quarter, shipments of Korean decreased by 12% (-17.9% for the iPad), in a global context decline (-7%).

Tablets Are large format solution? Everything depends. “The shelves of large sizes grew increasingly: The share of these tablets increased from 53% in July 2013 to 63% in July 2015″ and notes GFK for sales in Western Europe


However, the growth potential in the tablet market would fall primarily on the segments of 2-in-1 and convertible. For 2015, IDC expects growth in global shipments of 2-in-1 86.5% to 14.7 million, just 7% of the total tablet market.

PCs & gt; 10 “: 39.5% of the market in 2019

But by 2019, this segment should continue to grow The firm adds that the share of more tablets. 10-inch and 2-in-1 will rise from 18.6% in 2014 to 39.5%, “fueled by the impact of phablettes and the growing appetite of companies for productivity-oriented solutions.”

If the 18-inch format is confirmed for Galaxy View, Samsung, however,

would position more on a niche. Such she replies screen size a need? Too early to tell. Samsung complement anyway its tablet portfolio with a wide range of sizes and prices.

See also our page
Key figures: the tablet market


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