Saturday, September 12, 2015

GOG: Indie Piñata between specials and Galaxy 1.1 –

While Steam largely dominates the debate when it comes to video game dematerialized PC, several players are trying to win by offering something else. This is particularly the case of GOG which not only has to push a major update to its Galaxy client, but also to launch promotions with a small feature.

GOG Galaxy 1.1 Beta

Let’s start by talking about the 1.1 update to Galaxy, also still in beta status, but faster and less greedy. The client now supports rollback (revert to an old version of a game if bug), while it is much easier now to find and add a friend. The download management and facilities has been enhanced as well as the interface and navigation. Finally, note the support of HiDPI. For details on Galaxy and 1.1 towards the dedicated page.

Promotions (to) hit (er)

Then, until 18 September at 11am the site GOG .com offers many attractive promotions on a wide selection of games still without DRM. But that’s not all because as the name suggests these promotions it is possible to buy a piñata for 2.69 euros. In it lies a random indie game from a selection of securities normally sold between 8 and 45 €. In short, the surprise can be quickly profitable.

For those who do not like risk and want a specific game (“ promotion games are completely different from those contained in the piñatas “specifies the site), including note Kerbal Space Program (-33%), NEO Scavenger (-50%), Legend of Grimrock 2 (-75%), MouseCraft (-80%) or the first extension of The Witcher 3 , Hearts

of Stone , to -15%.


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