Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Samsung is working on the successor of Galaxy A3, A5 and A7 – Le Journal du Geek

In launching the Galaxy A3, A5 and A7 last year, Samsung was probably cross your fingers very hard for these midrange terminals are successful. And obviously, this is indeed the case.

So much so that even the manufacturer apparently intends to launch successors to these three smartphones. As one might imagine, Samsung will change the name of the new models slightly incrementing their numbers.

The successor to the Galaxy should A3 and A6 to be called Galaxy, Galaxy A5 A8 be baptized Galaxy, Galaxy and Galaxy become A7 A9. Apart from these small family names, model numbers are SM-A310F, SM-A510F and SM-A710F, representing only minor changes compared to their predecessors.

In other words, Samsung may well just a simple refresh, with for example displays with higher resolution, faster processors, or more megapixels for cameras.

In any case, the manufacturer should soon to reveal his cards: a Galaxy A8 has indeed made its appearance in China


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