Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Getting started with the Samsung Galaxy S6 + Edge – Begeek.fr

Samsung S6 Edge + is a carbon copy of its smallest model S6 Edge. Without the second model in hand, it is difficult to know which was in front of us. The differences are in and if Samsung has done things, there are also negative.

 Samsung S6 + Edge

First, the good things. Samsung has added 1 GB of additional memory bringing to four the total RAM on the Edge + S6. However, this is not all since 2600 mAh battery passes in 3000 and the screen that goes from 5.1 to 5.7 inches with a resolution still Quad HD.

The small innovation is the front camera sensor which is now stabilized to “the more successful selfies” . Samsung has made changes in its interface which also appear in a future update for the Edge S6, and the edges will be more used.

Indeed, on an Edge S6, you can not use the edges that to have five favorite contacts to quickly see notifications and send them messages. Critics have allowed the South Korean manufacturer to add a new option to also have 5 applications in Quick Launch

 Samsung S6 + Edge

 Samsung S6 + Edge

Finally, let’s get that upset. The infrared emitter that exists for at least Samsung Galaxy Note 3, and found on the Edge S6, just disappeared Edge +. A misunderstanding that has not been commented by Samsung people with whom we discussed. Certainly this is not the ultimate function and could pester the microSD port or non-removable battery, but mostly it is a pity to remove things from the Edge S6 instead of making real .

Samsung S6 + Edge


you want a larger screen and a smartphone that has the mouth, yes, the Edge + S6 is good. But if you already have an Edge S6, or if you want to pay less, so take the first model. Samsung offers something for everyone with ranges that getting longer.

The Edge Galaxy S6 + is a very good smartphone, but we would have liked a few more changes from the smaller model. Available at Amazon here.

Samsung S6 + Edge

 Samsung S6 + Edge

 Photo Credits: Hadrian Miche for Begeek.fr


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